Adding your first widget to your website...

Through a single line of custom code we integrate with any website you use. Use just 1 widget or many, but always just 1 line of code.

Integrating the eola booking widget with your website is quick and easy.  Whether you are doing it yourself or need to pass the code onto a designer we have you covered.  After you have done it for your first widget you can choose to have separate widgets for different categories.

To access the code required head to: Toolset -> Widget -> My widgets -> Primary, edit from here you have a number of options that we will go through below.

Widget name - after you create a second widget things can get confusing.  Feel free to leave as 'primary' if you do not plan on having more than 1 widget.

Website integration - here you have 2 options, the recommended option to to copy the 'script code' and place inside of the header tags of your website code.  Alternatively some web designers may choose to create their own button on your website and for this you need to copy the 'direct link'.  If you use the direct line, none of the settings below will work with the widget.

Widget display - some basic formatting options, including; bottom left or right corner of your screen.  Button colour, stick with the standard colour that pops on most websites or use custom colour to match your branding.  Don't forget if you match your branding it may be lost on the page, try an opposite colour to make the button pop.

***Additional Apps required to access these settings***

Languages - with the languages app enabled you can choose to set this widget to a default language for the page it is being added to.

Categories - if you have categories enabled you can choose to display them on the widget, at this point you can also choose to only show certain categories.  This way you could create additional widgets per category and have these on separate pages on your website. 

An advanced setting that is available without any addons is 'Deep links', these work by linking the URL from your website to a product on eola.  Once you have created this 'deep link', anytime a customers clicks the 'Book now' widget on that page, we will take them straight to the specific activity you have linked with.  This is create to save having multiple widgets or if you website already has a load of information about your products on a single page.  


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