Creating your first rental...

Rentals are a great way to increase your revenue. As your equipment is booked up we will work out your availability for you.  You can select the equipment you would like to rent out, set the durations a customer can rent the equipment for.  Customers can select equipment and rent durations via the widget, the price is based on how long the customer wants to rent the equipment for.

This article will walk you through how to create your first rental:

  • Access rentals by going to: Products -> Rentals -> Create
  • Work through the pages adding information about the rental
  • The main priority here is the 'Rentable interval duration', minimum and maximum duration
  • Set a schedule, use the 'repeat' function (daily, weekly or yearly), this can be indefinitely or a date
  • Pricing per resource by rentable duration, you can also set a discount based on duration
  • Languages (if enabled), here you can edit the information displayed depending on browser language
  • Options, this page controls how the product looks on the widget, edit minimum notices, allow activities vouchers to be purchased and assign disclaimers and question packs
  • Save and exit 

You can repeat this process to add all of your rentals to the system.


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