How to send newsletter's to customers

Keeping your customers up to date with information about your activities and how they can get involved.

N.B you can only reach out to customers if they have agreed to marketing updates.  During the checkout process we ask customers to tick: Keep in contact to get more from your experience with Challenge, Achieve and Inspire.  

There are two reports you can download, the first report will be every customers and the second you can filter on specific activities to target the download.

Downloading all customers

1) Navigate to Sales -> Customers

2) Click 'Download customer breakdown (CSV)'

3) The report will be emailed to your inbox


Filtering customers first

1) Navigate to Reports -> Customers

2) Click 'Columns' you will need to select 'Marketing' but there are other options to help you target specific features

3) You can then filter by Activity type

4) Choose to download specific rows or all rows


Using the downloads

Once the file has downloaded to your computer you can use a program like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel to access the data.  You will need to filter the Marketing/Subscribed at column to hide blank entries as these customers have not agreed to marketing emails.  Now you can upload these details to a newsletter program.