How to manage a booking…

Last minute changes can sometimes leave you scrambling around for paper copies of new disclaimers. If your customer gives you notice there are a few things you can edit on the booking to keep it all in one place.

Start by locating the booking, either searching for the customer name by clicking on the magnifying glass or going to the date and time slot in the calendar. Once on the time slot click ‘Manage’ (just above ‘disable further bookings’). The page will reorder the customers to oldest booking down to newest and cancelled bookings (greyed out) at the bottom. Locate the customer and click ‘Edit’. 

Here you can edit those participating in the activity, you are unable to edit the organiser to make any changes here you will need to cancel and rebook the activity. If the organiser is yet to invite the others going and you get a message saying ‘X people need to be invitee’ you will need to add a participant before you can remove them. #TopTip you can invited your outlet email here and hit ‘Invite participant’. Once you have a participant attending you can click ‘Remove’ next to their name and on the left hand side you will see the refund amount. You can edit the amount here and process a refund if required. 

As well as inviting participants who have yet to be invited, you have the options to ‘Add participants’ to the booking as well. Again this will create a pop up on the right hand side that will show you the extra to be paid, allow you to edit and send say ‘Paid in person’ or ‘Send a payment link’. Once you are happy with the changes you have made, remember to save before heading back to the calendar.