Custom Categories...

Through custom categories you can allow a customer to click through to the right activity. With less options to choose from you will help customers convert.

First you will need to enable the Custom Categories app by going to Toolset -> Apps -> Custom categories -> Enable.  From here you can create your first custom category when editing an activity or rental.  Add a Category name and select '-Create New-' from the drop down menu.

Once you have a number of categories created you and edit the order they appear on the widget and also customise the photo.  To do this go to: Toolset -> Widget -> Categories -> Edit (on the category you would like to edit), from here you have a number of optionsL

1) Add a custom image, if no custom image added we will pull an image from the activities within the category

2) Edit the category name

3) Ordering, the higher number will be shown on the top of the list

4) Select Activities/Rentals to include, this allows you to tick the products to display without having to go into each product setup

5) Click 'Save category'

As you have been working locally you may find that not all your changes are instant on your website.  To reload a page click 'View' on the top menu bar and 'Reload', this should download an updated version from the server.