Creating your first membership...

Memberships are a great way to offer incentives to loyal customers and turn repeat business into recurring revenue.

To get started with memberships first you need to enable it in the App Store. Go to Toolset -> App Store -> Memberships -> Enable (if not available email 

Once you have the app enabled you will have a new menu option under Products:

Creating a Membership and Price Plan

1) Go to Products -> Discount codes -> Memberships
2) Click 'Create' to get started
3) Add the name and description then choose to add a question pack and terms

4) Click 'Continue to pricing'

5) Next you need to create a pricing plan, you can have multiple under a membership e.g. Adult, Child or Family

6) Add the name, price and setup fee (if required), there are some additional options: number of adults/children than can be redeemed with a single plan

7) Set the interval for the payments and set a trial period (if required)

8) Click 'Create plan'


After you have create a membership and price plan you need to tell the system the benefits the membership plan can access.

Adding benefits to a membership

1) Select membership name from table and click on it

2) Click 'Edit benefits' and 'Create'

3) Using the drop down menus select the benefit (no charge, % off or fixed price off) and then choose the activity from the next menu and hit 'Add benefit'

4) Repeat the process for all of the member benefits you need to add